To make a good, sturdy tower, you have to put the quarters at the base and the pennies on the top. Interestingly, the quarters are more desirable then the pennies: they're worth more, they're bigger, stronger, and more valuable. Yet, the pennies, somehow, manage to get on top of them. The quarters have to bare the burden of the pennies, despite the fact they have so much more value and strength behind them.
Interestingly enough, no quarter tries to remedy this. No quarter says to the other "Lets make the pennies carry US!" Instead, the quarters try to become pennies themselves. They try to change their lot from a small part of a bigger, more powerful mass, to a smaller, more delicate, and yet for some unexplainable reason, more superior coin. They don't try to take those around them with them. They want to abandon the quarters completely and just become a penny and be satisfied with the fact that they're now top dog.
But if one quarter decided to change this, only one, the entire tower would come crumbling down. But not one dares. Either because its too scared of what would happen if the tower shattered, or because each individual part is too busy vying for a chance to separate itself and become a penny to realize this simple fact.
...I was bored in math class, so I stacked my spare change on top of each other.