Three people this week have passed on. Three newgrounds regulars and favorites. Legends, now, if they weren't already in life.
Brilliant creators who tragically met the inevitable flip-side of their hobbies and professions-- of all things that are created, they must likewise be destroyed.
This string of misfortunes has jarred me, significantly. Suddenly, Newgrounds seems just as much a place to celebrate the vibrancy of our community and the creativity we all enjoy as much as it is a eulogy to those creators who have left us. For however long these creators will live in our memories, Newgrounds-- and the internet as a whole-- will preserve their legacies into the vast, unknowable future. We may be the only generation able to truly appreciate their work, as long past the point where their humor will be relevant, or their work able to stand besides peers on a technical level, their work will persist. But that doesn't make their impact any less profound, or the history they've crafted any less significant.
They inspired the future of Flash movies, art, and humor. And they have a great blessing denied many creators who came before them--people will be able to trace that history back to them, see the seeds that grew into the future of internet culture, and their names will continue to linger, and the happiness they created and spread with their work will endure.
I could ask them to rest in peace, but they deserved better. "Peace" is complacency, and they were not complacent people. They were pioneers in their own way, and even after their passing, they will still play their part in shaping the future. They will drive us, those they left behind, into a better tomorrow.
In their own way, they never died.