Awsome game!
This is original, challenging, and more than that, fiercely enjoyable! I usually hate these kinds of games, but this was so brilliantly executed that I love it.
Awsome game!
This is original, challenging, and more than that, fiercely enjoyable! I usually hate these kinds of games, but this was so brilliantly executed that I love it.
Toss the Turtle? A little.
I'm not going to say this dosn't remind me of Toss the Turtle: Even the way you presented your controls was similar. However, this has its own unique flavor to it that makes it a good game to pass the time.
Power of three? Really?
The game had okay graphics, good music, and a storyline you could come to expect from a flash game, but... I find it hard to believe that all three of you couldn't see the mediocrity that plagued this game. The gameplay gets stale after the first fight, the weapons don't add much excitement to the mix, the enemies are boring and uninspired... the AI was predictable for this kind of game (Yes, we know the drill: one fights you up front and the rest try to get behind) and all in all, this is barely front-page worthy...
hell, it only gets six stars because of the music, the smooth (Not necessarily good) gameplay, and the respectable graphics.
All in all, I gotta say, this wasn't what I expected from you three. I enjoyed all your past works, so why did this come out so lackbuster?
A good game, but...
As much as I love this series, I have to say this new addition offers very little new stuff... six new levels, but the traps and enemies are the same, and the editor was just copied from the first game and pasted here... nothing new.
Its still a fun, solid game, but... its not really a sequel. Its more like a expansion pack.... or a few extra levels.
a great gamne that could of been better.
The basic gameplay was good and origonal: lots of points for origonality. Gameplay was exciting and fast paced, and when I was in the middle of a level I kinda forgot what I was supposed to be doing on the computer because I was paying too much attention to the game. The upgrades are good, but all you REALLY need are the lightning upgrades: it made the (spoiler) Space invaders level (/spoiler) level really easy.
The music was a good choice: fitting, yet not distracting. Thumbs up on that.
Here's the bad news: controls were bad. Yes, they were EASY, but no ideal for this kind of gameplay. I found myself getting tangled up in my own arms (In fact, i avoided the boosted arm length upgrade out of fear of what it would do to me), and it was hard to reach the edge of the screen to pick up brains and money without the mouse going off the screen and simply making the robot stop. this was a real big problem and made me lose a lot of Hp trying to get the invincibility.
More bad news: The (spoiler) mole men level (/spoiler) wasn't fun or challenging. it was annoying. I think thats what you were TRYING to do, but ultimatly , no game should annoy its audiance. Games are ment to be fun, not frusterating. Try and fix that.
Ultimatly, its a good creative game, but I dont think the Tickler is the ultimate machine of distruction just yet. =3
Simple, not unique, but well presented and solid.
This kind of game is very common on newgrounds and other flash sites. This game really dosn't make any effort to separate itself from the pack in any way... which ultimately might be why its so solid. You were very careful and safe with this game, which is fine seeing how its your first. The gameplay is solid, the graphics are good (But they'll hardly take your breath away), and the powerups are fun to see (Some are almost useless, like the one that lets you shoot to your sides)
Two more things before the review ends. One, I did like how you made the enemies speed up after they shot at you. That was a surprisingly simple way to make the game more challenging, and I applaud you for it. Secondly, I admire your ability to admit your games flaws. =3 honesty is a virtue.
i look forward to seeing more work from you in the future!
actually, not bad.
I dont go into these kind of games expecting much, but you've surprised me. This is actually fairly good.
the gameplay is simple, at best, which isn't a bad thing, but it really lacks depth. First, you have a good, well-established system for defense, but how about some enemy variety? More than just tanks. Also, some upgrades for yourself would be nice, plus the current upgrades are actually fairly easy to attain, you get money very easily, and it makes the game very easy.. Oh, and if you could control where you roll instead of moving for us would be good. Additionally, instead of the tanks dying in line, how about each shot kills the tank it hits? And naturally, if you were to do all that, make it longer. Seven levels isn't a ton.
All in all, this IS a good game, just a shallow one. =3 keep at it, add some depth, levels, enemies, do some balancing and so forth, this could be front page worthy!
Not as good as 1-3, but not bad.
Im normally a rather large fan of your work, but this game has me disappointed.
Firstly, and most importantly, it takes too long for each shot to reload. Combine this with the fact that sometimes the shots just spin around you and you have to ram into enemies in order to get rid of it, thats a lot of time not shooting at enemies and a whole lot more ramming into them and hoping you wont die too.
Secondly, more often than not, I found myself getting killed by "upgrades" that should of been for my benefit. In your past games, you could click on a dementional hole without fear of being sucked in yourself, and in this game, with that security gone, your much more hesitant to use it. I imagine you did that to add a layer of strategy, but its really more annoying,
Thirdly, upgrading the balls were practically useless. You can make them more powerful, but the energy cost goes up, so in the end, what do you gain? Your paying more for better shots, and if you wanted to do that you might as well just get better shots instead of upgrading current ones. Though the idea itself was a good one.
Also, Im slightly annoyed, oddly enough, that you didnt' keep the origonal way to shoot off the weapon. Ironically, I found that pulling back on the shot was a easier way to judge power and distance. This new one, click, then watch it go, was fairly inconstant. sometimes I'd gently lob itself, and other times it'd go really really fast. And that was very irksome for me.
All in all, I can see you tried to fix some of the small problems in the first game, but I think that made more problems than they fixed. This is still a worthwhile game to play: the core of the gameplay is still there, and some of the upgrades and stuff are fun to see, and the music choice was good (Fun to hear, but not distracting) but all in all, this could of been much better.
A puzzle game that you MIGHT be able to beat
The game itself is very well presented, and easy to love thanks to its colorful packaging and good, easy to understand gameplay. Not only that, the balloon powers and such keeps the game and the puzzles fresh.
For a while. Then one giant annoyance, if not a downright bug. Even if you clear the map of all balloons, sometimes the game dosn't end. It just sits there and you cant do anything, and you have to restart, beat the puzzle again, then hope that the next time you beat it the game counts it as a victory. This is a huge problem that I could not overlook when I rated it.
If you could of fixed this, then I would of easily given you 10/10 stars.
More than anything
The gameplay, especally combat, is subpar at best. The Customization level is good for a game of this type, and all you really need to do is focus on equipment to do well, seeing as they're what makes the bulk of your character.
...but there is this uncomputable level of just plain fun in this game that gives it a ten. Every time I get a new tire, I stop and say... "...=D IM GONNA DO EET AGAIN!" and I suddenly find myself trying agian. I also found myself get attached to the guy I was working with, which is really all you can hope for with a game like this.
Good job!
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